Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pressing Matters

Thinking that it's time to start working on a few things for the Holly Bazaar - especially since we will be away for almost 3 weeks in October - yesterday I headed to the sewing room planning to try my hand at a few potholders. I'd been to Fabricland earlier in the day and picked up a piece of insulated fabric so why not strike while the iron is hot?

When I got there my table was covered in flying geese. I was so close to having all the geese assembled into 6+ units that I thought I'd finish them up instead.

I'm putting them together in units of about 6 geese to help ensure that the colours are randomly distributed and to ake it easier to lay the top out. Now that they will sit on the diagonal instead of vertically the layout will take a little more figuring, but having them in sections will help.

I treated myself to a new sewing machine while we were on holidays this summer so I've been using these pieces to orient myself to it and it's new functions. The thread cutter and I are great friends now - love it! And the 1/4" foot is ideal.

Originally I had been pressing each six-goose (is that a word?) section as I went but I decided to just get all the sections put together and then have a pressing marathon.

There are piles of geese everywhere that now need some time with the iron, but the table surface is finally freed up for other projects. It feels great to see progress. Maybe now I'll get to the Holly Bazaar TO DO list....M

1 comment:

  1. those geese units are wonderful and it looks like you've made lots~! pretty fabrics too~!!



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