Tuesday, September 10, 2013

And Sew We Rip

So much of the creative process is based on looking, just really looking at something to determine the true shapes and colours, the patterns that shapes make, and how to translate that reality into what you want to make. Should be easy enough, right? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. I 'looked' at the large Minnie diamond I have finished to confirm how to sew the next one together and came up with this.

It should have looked more like this, with the two blocks on the sides of the diamond meeting rather than the confusion above.

So, down went the needle and out came the ripper and eventually everything was put back together the way that it should have been, had I concentrated on really looking.

Thankfully the outer border is pretty straight forward so hopefully I won't have much trouble with it. :)  ....M


  1. Marie, I saw the sweet little tags you made from the triangle scraps and they are simply adorable--can be used for many occasions--just vary scrap colors---keep it up--you're a genius. Linda


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