Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pillow Talk

Nothing like a pile of scraps to make your heart sing. Jane had just organized the last of her scraps into one box so I was given free reign to use them and show her how to make a quilt-as-you-go pillow for her love seat on the deck. It didn't take much convincing - what is it about being able to play with someone else's scraps? I discovered half way through the process that she also has several scrap drawers, but I managed to restrain myself and focus on getting something done with the scraps that I had pulled.

There is a pillow at the cottage that I wanted to try and make this one work with and I had a certain look in mind when I started, but as things evolved it was clear that this was having a life of its own. It still proved to be a good match in the end.

Not nearly as much brown/rust as I had imagined, but then that's not a bad thing as I've discovered that brown is Jane's least favourite colour.

I started this one later in the afternoon so there was still a bit to do when we turned out the lights to go to bed. Nothing like waking up to your breakfast and enjoying it right next to your sewing; I didn't even have to get out of my jammies!

Half way through we realized that the pressure foot tension was not as tight as it could have been so not all of the quilting is as straight as I would like it, but it all blended in quite well.

She had a spool of variegated red/green/gold thread that she'd picked up at a garage sale and it was the perfect choice for this project. And this beautiful vintage scrap found a home as well. For the backing she found this absolutely wonderful plaid; she's got about 4 or 5 similar pillows that she'd like to do so she'll have enough of the plaid to do the backs of all of them, if she likes.

Drumroll....So there it is - another QAYG pillow, finished and on the deck, ready to use. It replaces the brown/cream striped covering similar to the pillow on the right. So much more Jane.

When she saw how much fun this is to do she decided to recover the chairs for her table and then create QAYG pillows to match so she pulled a beautiful variety of prints. I didn't get a pic but they will be perfect with the soft green that her cottage is painted in.

Love, love, love the texture that you get with this method....M


  1. What a beautiful, fun pillow! Love those cheerful colors.

  2. Gorgeous work and yes, I see what you mean about the textural quality that you have got there. Thank you for visiting my blog the other day and liking my work - much appreciated. xCathy

  3. The pillow eludes fun! Another project to add to my ever growing list!


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