Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hexies On My Mind

I've been working on two different sized hexies lately - mostly sewing on one and cutting for the second. I've now got the second set of mauve triangles on the Candied Hexagons so it's time to get serious about laying it out.

All but this block. I will need to piece a triangle from scraps to finish this one off. When I was looking at it I thought I'd lay one of the hexies from Minnie overtop, you know, just to see the difference in scale. See that little cream speck in the bottom right? That's Minnie. Makes me wonder sometimes about my sanity. I knew it was smaller, I just didn't think of it as being that small!

The pile doesn't look like much but hopefully the quilt magic will happen when I start piecing them together.

As for Minnie, I've got a couple more diamonds together. This one is very light and airy.

This one a little more traditional.

But mostly I've been the Cutting Queen. I've been carrying the 1 1/2" strips around in my big basket for months now and cutting as I need them. As time wore on they were getting too tossed and frayed and ratty looking so I decided to cut a big batch. This should help me with my colour selection too.

It's taking me longer than I had thought, and there's still lots more to go. I started out putting them in a small box, then expanded to fill the box lid, and now both are overflowing so it's time to find a better container.

And, since it's zucchini season I decided to try a new Chocolate Zucchini Bread recipe (thank you Pinterest). Very glad that I did. It makes up as advertised and is really lovely and moist, and the crunchy topping works too. I didn't add the orange zest this time as I am a sucker for chocolate and cinnamon, but I still have lots of zucchini left to play with so I might make another to freeze, just to see the difference. Lots of oooohs and aaaahs from the Official Cookie Tester too....M


  1. Your hexies are so lovely.

  2. Hexie fever is alive and well! In a couple of your previous pictures featuring your hexies, there is a lovely wooden spool holder... what a handy tool! I've never seen anything like that in quilt shops that I frequent. Did someone make it for you?

  3. Wow what a load of hexies! What a fantastic project to be working on though :-)


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