Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer Lovin'

The Official Cookie Tester's birthday was this week and one of his brothers decided to surprise him on the big day so I did a quick run about the house to get ready for him. As I was prepping the guest room it occurred to me that I had not shared two of my favourite quilts with you - summer quilts, both of them.

This turquoise & white one was a find at a garage sale years ago and every time I look at it it makes me happy. The fact that it was a steal (I don't think I paid more than $20 for it, if that), is beside the point.

I just love the colours and that the blocks aren't always perfectly sewn together.

The borders are a beautiful blue & white print alternated with turquoise

and alternating white and turquoise prairie points around the edge finish it off.

The backing is to die for. I always think of it as being large plums but I noticed that it's actually purple tulips.

Regardless, I just love the combination of the free spirited print on the back combined with the controlled pattern of the triangles on the top.


It's very lightweight, which is why I call it a summer quilt, and I like to have it folded at the foot of the bed when it is dressed with this white. whole cloth beauty. This one was a wedding gift from mom and dad. Mon put many, many hours of loving stitching into it. She and I designed the pattern together. There's a centre square on the point with 1/2" cross hatching surrounded by a vine pattern that transitions into 1" crosshatch.


That meets the same vine border at the edge of the bed and then transitions into double rows of stitching set an inch apart.


We were trying to get the look of some of the amazing whole cloth quilts that Provence is famous for.


So two quilts with two very different histories. but both well loved.


And yes, the b-day celebrations went off without a hitch. Because all three of us have July birthdays I decided to make a special little treat - Sour Cream Raspberry Tart. Yum!

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