Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Opening the Candy Box

With Spot put to bed I needed another project that I could take in the car this weekend for our road trip north so I dug into the bags and boxes of projects and resurrected my Candied Hexagons. I had been second guessing myself about using the setting triangles between the hexies instead of butting them up against each other but seeing the mauve with all the different prints put my mind at ease. It's a great colour and sets the other colours off nicely as well.

I still haven't laid them all out in the final plan and didn't have time to do that before we left, so I started attaching one mauve setting triangle to each block.

As I worked through it I realized that I probably should be adding another triangle to the opposite side of the block but I'll figure that out when I lay the whole thing out.

There's still a healthy pile of triangles to work through but it's going quickly so progress is visible. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the blocks laid out together.

Just love that mauve....M

1 comment:

  1. These are appropriately named. They are gorgeous!
    One question, I've never seen you use any paper so this isn't English paper-piecing, but how do you do the edges? Just very carefully? Sorry that was two questions. I was just wondering because I've been gifted a pile of 40's grandmothers flower garden blocks and there is no paper and the edges aren't turned under. I'm wondering how to finish them. Any advice would be appreciated.
    I'm going right now to post about them now and you can see pictures.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.