Sunday, June 23, 2013

Do I Turn Right Here?

As is typical for me, I went down to the sewing room yesterday to cut the last remaining pieces that I needed to finish off the dozen or so blocks for Spot and proceeded to get totally distracted with another project. Not hard since they seem to be layered one on top of the other until the feeling moves me to pick them up again.

I had been slowly sewing my flying geese together in units of about 6 - one or two units are a little longer - for Fly Away Home but they haven't been touched for a while since I was working on the Pumpkin Patch at Midnight. Now that the table is cleared up from that project I felt like getting back into my geese. There's a good-sized pile of red 6-geese units on the ironing board ready to be pressed and I put together about another dozen or so.

As I was sewing I got thinking about the layout. You'll remember that this is what I was working to...

but in the back of my mind I'd been thinking about this, which I really love too...

And it occurred to me that I could easily just turn things to the right a bit and lay my rows on the diagonal without having to wait to start a new project - two birds with one stone, if you will.

I'm also toying with whether the rows should all be pointed in the same direction...

...or alternating. I'm leaning to alternating. What do you think?

By the way, I did get the last of the Spot blocks and sashing cut so I have some hand sewing that I can pick up when I want on as well....M


  1. Hi Marie; I love the angled flying geese quilt too. And I think changing directions with the rows looks great. Will this be on the bed for Christmas?

  2. oh this looks great, I like the last picture the best, on angle and opposite directions...adds interest to the quilt in mho!
    can't wait to see what you chose to do its your quilt!


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