Friday, June 28, 2013


Mom's Dresden Plate has been folded in the living room, patiently waiting for its binding. I had planned to do the binding in the same yellow polka dot as the backing but when Betty dropped in and had a look at it she suggested going with something either blue or turquoise, so down to the stash I went.

This blue is a gorgeous colour, almost periwinkle, and would work nicely...

...but I think this blue & green check even more so. I luv a bias check binding and really like that the scale of this check is considerably larger than the gingham that mom used for the stems in the so it won't be matchy matchy (is that even a word?). I like a bias binding but the check is woven on the bias so I will need to cut it with the grain to get the bias look that I want.

Today is the start of a long weekend for us so, with any luck at all, by Monday night I'll be well on my way to having this baby finished!....M


  1. Just catching up on your blog....
    Wow, so many beautiful projects.

  2. great choice, I love that backing fabric. can't wait for Mondays post :)

  3. I like that check! It will add so much fun to the quilt.

  4. I love the mini plaid. Sweet indeed!

  5. I love the plaid too but the blue is also pretty:)
    Enjoy binding this beautiful quilt!

  6. I love that green/blue check! Perfect choice for a lovely quilt.:)

  7. Ooooh, that will look beautiful!! Looking forward to seeing it!


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