Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Jane and Betty were in for dinner on the weekend and Betty brought Fruit Salad - not for dessert, but the quilt that she started last spring. She's been adding yellows and pinks to the edges of the rows to create a transition to the border (whatever that will be) so they laid it out and we had a bit of a quilt therapy session.

This one is going to be so spectacular - words escape me every time I see it.

I love the occasional little triangle that's made up of 4 specs of colour - they are like little gems scattered throughout.

After much deliberation (actually, not really that much) she's decided to make the pink & yellow edges a couple of pieces wider for more impact. Then she'll trim it so that the edge is a straight line rather than following the picot that the triangle create, and she needs to make it a few rows longer.

The part that had us all delirious was when we decided that the border would be this red Philip Jacobs print called Waltzing Matilda that I had picked up last year. Isn't it just perfect?!

The border will be about 10 inches wide and she's thinking that when it comes time to quilt it she will quilt within the flow of the pattern.

Jane happened to be browsing through  Kaffe Fassett's Quilts of Provence as we were doing this and came across a profile of Philip and this particular print. This is how he describes it: "It has such movement I named it after the Australian song Waltzing Matilda since the flowers really dance to my eye". Enough said.

Of course Baylea had come to dinner too so, designer that she is, she needed to get in on the action too.

I think that she must be related to Picasso...M


  1. Wow, fantastic fabrics.

  2. This quilt is going to be wonderful. I love all the fabrics. And I love your diamonds in your last post too!

  3. Ladies simply stupendous


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