Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quilters Are Good People

Remember last November when Erin put out a call for Disappearing Four-Patch blocks to make quilts for victims of Hurricane Sandy and I sent her half a dozen to help out with the cause? Well, this week the mailman delivered a lovely postcard from her with an update on the project.

More than 200 quilters generously came to the fore and donated time and talent to make over 35 quilts to help those in need. And apparently there are another 10+ in various stages of completion. Not bad from a single blog post. Check out her blog to see how far and wide the call was received - the list of helpers runs down the right margin.

This is the card that arrived...

...and this was her note. What a lot of work, not only to organize it all but then to send a thank you note to everyone. The power of one; inspirational! You can follow her progress throughout the project here.

Now tell me, doesn't that just look like the happiest of people? And the quilts look great! It's amazing how a little bit of fabric can warm the heart in such a big way. Many folks still have a long way to go to get their lives back but it's nice to know that they will do so wrapped in the love and best wishes of lots of others for a long time to come. Made my week....M

1 comment:

  1. So heartwarming seeing others helping those in need...such a tragic time but it shows there are good people out there how care. Well done to everybody.
    Hugs Khris


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