Monday, March 25, 2013

A Few More

We skipped town last week to spend some time in the sun (and pray that these snowbanks of ours would disappear some day soon) so I took a bit of handwork with me, but I was so intent on enjoying the sun that not much got done. A bit, but not much.

I toyed with taking the large diamond that I was putting the outer blue border on but didn't want to mangle it in my packing so it stayed home and I took the makings for new small diamonds instead. It sort of melds into the tablecloth here but it's almost half finished.

There are now three new little diamonds to add to the pile of finished blocks.

It's still so much fun to see the effect of different fabric combinations...

it's almost addictive....M


  1. Oh my - so lovely! and of course it really is addictive - I know from experience!

  2. You have me yearning to start another hexagon project but I must be controlled...fighting addiction!


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