Wednesday, January 23, 2013

That's Better

I'm still busy marking my Dresden Plate but I also went back to the drawing board so that I could redraw the template for the mauve triangles that I will be using to join the Candied Hexagons, and this time I think I finally got it right. But first want to show you more of the wool eyeglass cases that Betty made for Christmas gifts. They are all the same, but different. These first two photos were taken with a phone so the colour isn't the best...

Don't you just love those little felt balls?!

So beautiful.

Back to my math. Here are the two triangles side by side - look at the difference in size between them! Guess my head was in another hemisphere when I was doing the original thinking. The nice part about this is that these will go much faster than the tiny ones.

I'm anxious to cut them all, but I need to finish my marking first....M

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