Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shipping and Receiving

You know how sometimes when it rains, it pours? Well, it feel like I am in a shower of thread these days. It all started back in October when I stopped at a quilt shop about 45 minutes from here to pick up a few things. They were out of YLI thread, which I love and use all the time both for quilting and my hand stitching, so I asked them to order a couple of spools for me. Anne and Betty are also YLI addicts and I knew that they were running low so I ordered a few large spools for them as well.

Well, October ended and no call. November came and went. Nothing. December too. Actually, around Christmas Anne called me looking to see if it had come in as she wanted to put a spool in Betty's stocking, but it was not to be. I was certain that the order was never placed or the paperwork lost, so when I was at another shop about 20 minutes from us just after Christmas looking for my mauve fabric for the Candied Hexagons I asked if they carried it. No, but they could order some in for me early in the New Year. I decided I had nothing to lose, so I ordered a few thousand-yard spools and a couple of 500-yard spools (the large one is too big to fit into my thread caddy).

You almost know what's coming, don't you? A few days ago when I was cleaning up the sewing room what do I discover but a large spool. Then a few days after that half of a small spool sitting on another shelf. And, the icing on the cake: today the first shop that I ordered from left a voicemail that my thread is in! When the second order comes in I will be able to go into business for myself. This must be a sign that the three of us have lots of stitching to be done in the next little while.

I also ordered a few rulers from Connecting Threads after Christmas (can't resist a sale) and they arrived yesterday. I should have paid a little more attention because I thought I was ordering a 60 degree ruler and it's close but it's not. I'll be able to use it anyway. Bummer though. Guess I need to take a remedial reading course.

The other ruler is for Dresden Plates. I've got my eye on a Sunburst quilt that Elsie's Girl made this past year using a ruler like this that looks like fun - maybe a baby quilt.

Time to put away the Christmas decos..M

By the way, is it me, or is Blogger slow as molasses these days?


  1. With all that thread there'll be no excuses for not sewing!!! :D

  2. Marie, I will be happy to take a couple of those smaller spools off your hands! I love that thread too, and am not sure where to find it anymore. Let me know if you are willing to part with two. thanks!

  3. Murphy's law! This kind of just happen to me too but with cheapo thread. Third time I've done that.
    Your blocks are looking good!


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