Thursday, January 31, 2013

Plan B

It's down to the short strokes in terms of finishing off my Candied Hexagons but it's not going to end without a little bump in the road.

For whatever reason I cannot find the blue polka dot that I started finishing this block with - I miscounted - I cut 3 diamonds thinking it was for an edge piece but it is a full hexie so I need 6.

So, after ripping apart just about every corner and bag and container that I could think of I opted for Plan B: pick another blue. Time to rip out a bit and put it back together.

Then there's just one more half hexie to finish and all of the blocks will be made and ready to be assembled. The end is nigh....M


  1. Marie, this is so beautiful but I cannot imagine trying to attach those blue pieces .... it boggles my mind.

  2. And you know what's going to happen, right? Within minutes of sewing on the new blue you will likely come across the pieces you have been searching for.
    I love the colour combinations you have. It's exciting to be so close to the end on this project.

  3. I would have opted for a scrappy look on that one block. But I live by the philosophy that my quilts are like my hubby, perfect with lots and lots of character.

  4. Thank you Marie for paying me a visit on my blog! Isn't quilting a wonderful piece of handiwork!

    Your work looks awsome!

    Lena from Sweden


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