Friday, December 28, 2012

Peace and Joy

It's hard not to have a beautiful Christmas when this is where you are celebrating. This photo was taken by my neice Julia from the bottom of their driveway earlier this week, and it is where we enjoyed Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Isn't it spectacular? We had several days of snow before Santa arrived and lots more again yesterday, helping make our holidays merry and bright. Walks in the snow, sliding, and our annual road hockey game were enoyed to the fullest, thanks to Mother Nature. I hope that you and yours are enjoying this wonderful season as well.

One last shot of Christmas goodies's the cream puffs with almond cream that we enjoyed Christmas Eve, after our fondue - a tradition that my brother Michael and his wife Lili introduced us to several years ago and one that we continue to this day.
A lot of the hustle and bustle is behind us now and we are enjoying the calm and catching our breath. I think I might actually be able to get some hand stitching in later today. I will get back to quilting fingers are getting itchy for it.
Keep Christmas always in your heart. 

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect setting to spend Christmas in. A real winter wonderland. Lovely to come in from the cold to a plate of scrumptious cream puffs....bliss!
    Happy New Year.....


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