Sunday, November 04, 2012

Little Books All In A Row

Well, production for this year's supply of Holly Bazaar journal covers is now complete, and I couldn't be happier. I wanted to have half a dozen made and I've got that plus, at the suggestion of one of the organizers, I made two slightly larger ones to fit the church bibles, so 8 in total. Here are the 6 smaller ones.

I just love them all. I particularly like the play of the random rows of quilting overtop the equally random fabric strips. Here, for your viewing pleasure, a little eye candy:

In my frenzy I completely forgot that I had started this one, so one more to make, but not until after the bazaar.
And here's the makings of a second one (it's like a drug - once you get started they become addictive - you just keep looking for new fabric combinations!).
The place is a bit of disaster during production because there are so many fabrics out, but it's half the fun of it. Now to finish up my little birdies and do some baking...M


  1. Beautiful color combinations. Are you using a pattern?

  2. You have a lovely blog. I'm writing from Sew Sisters Quilt Shop. We are having a Blogathon for Canadian quilting/crafting bloggers and would love it if you would be willing to let us link to your blog. You can get all the details here.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.