Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Spy

I Spy
Add another one to the finished list, or at least to having the top finished. All the borders are now on I Spy so it's ready to be shipped off to Anne for quilting.

The bright, cheery colours and variety of fabrics give your eye lots to play with. Many of these prints have come from the fabrics that I plan to use for my Fruit Salad one day so it's like a dry run.

When I created the square block border I inserted a few half inch white on white strips randomly to break it up a bit and I really like the look. Just that little bit opened it up a tad and created some interest.

I think it would be nice quilted on the diagonal but we'll see what plans has up her sleeve. The backing will be bright green, which will make it pop even more....M

1 comment:

  1. This looks great Marie. Thanks for all your work on it. I am amazed at how quickly it came together. I can't wait to quilt it. I'll have to think about how to quilt it.


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