Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Need These...

...like I need another hole in the head, but have them I do. I probably have more cookbooks than the average person and a good chunk of those are on baking & cookies, so there really is no need to buy mags for the same purpose is there? Well, of course there is!! What if I happened to miss the all-time best recipe ever? Then where would I be?

Cherry-Almond Half Moons
Actually, I have to commend myself just a little bit because a couple of years have gone by without me nabbing a Christmas cookie issue - or two - from the newstand, but these two looked too good to pass up. And the bakeoff is now on the horizon so I need to get into the zone...figure out my game plan...and then be sure that I have the ingredients that I need and that I have the right combination of squares and cookies (anal, I know).

Apple Cider Buttons
Much as I love baking I do have to admit that both of these issues were really beautifully laid out, which makes it that much easier for them to follow you home, doesn't it?

Mexican-Chocolate Snickerdoodles
I have a favourite nephew who loves Snickerdoodles - he grew up making them at his sitter's - wonder if he'd like this version? He's not big on chocolate.

Chocolate Spice Shortbread Stars

'Tis the season for shortbread, and there lots to choose from...I love cardamom but you don't often see recipes that use it so me thinks that these will make the short list.

Salted Caramel Thumbprints
And how about these tasty looking little morsels - Salted Caramel Thumbprints. Fun to make and fun to eat.

Chocolate-Dipped Espresso Shortbread
There's lots of choice, which will make sitting down with a cup of tea or cocoa a real joy. But first things first - time to start developing the list to be baked!...M

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