Thursday, October 04, 2012

Heaven Under Glass

Much to my delight my trusty rhubarb plant had one last good harvest in it before it was done for the season, which allowed me to take advantage of this FABULOUS cake recipe that Jane found online this summer.

How does this sound? Lemon Buttermilk Rhubarb Bundt Cake. Let that sink in for a minute - lemon, buttermilk, rhubarb. What's not to love? All my favourite flavours (except maybe for chocolate) wrapped into one totally delicious morsel.

Someone was on their game when they created this recipe because it is just SO good and the texture is perfection. I didn't think that I could love a cake this much - you have to give it a try. If nothing else, take a read of the recipe because it is quite entertaining.

The only thing that I would change would be to reduce the glaze by half as I found there to be more than necessary. The recipe also suggests glazing the cake as soon as you remove it from the pan but I think another time I'd let it cool a bit more so that more of the glaze firms up on the cake rather than drips to the plate.

I made it last weekend and had a little supervisor visiting and carefully watching every step, or so I thought. Guess she nodded of once or twice. There was enough rhubarb to bake the cake and put a bag in the freezer so I'm going to try this again with frozen rhubarb to see how it works.

And then I decided to play with fabric a bit. The last thing that I need to be doing right now is a new project but for a couple of years I've been toying with making something for fall so I've been collecting bits of oranges and greens and a bit of black, and I like what I've got. I have a pattern in mind but need to stay focused on getting things done up for the Holly Bazaar first, given that it is only a month off. Focus. Focus....M

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