Sunday, September 23, 2012

More From 'Little Things'

Here's a few more shots of additional quilts from Sarah Fielke's Quilting From Little Things that I started out showing you last time and then got totally distracted. North by North East is on the back cover of my version of the book and the one that really caught my eye in the beginning (isn't that little guy in the bottom right just the cutest thing?).

It's made up of lots of bright & scrappy Flying Geese blocks and really appeals to me. I'm not keen on her layout so I think that I'd change it up a bit. The large corner blocks would make it go faster but aren't working for me.

Recently I saw an antique Flying Geese quilt with the rows stitched on the diagonal, much like the centre of this one, and I think I might opt for that instead. I am so tempted to start cutting for it but want to finish up a few more things first, so instead I sat down and spent much of the weekend cutting and sewing red, white and green geese for Fly Away Home, which helped get it out of my system a little bit (more about that next time).

Then there's Hanging Lanterns. What a beauty! Actually, the book is beautifully photographed which goes a long way to helping find new projects that you just have to make.

It is such a great combination of colours - love all the reds and the way that she has incorporated light blue/tuquoise into it as well. And then the quilting in red perle thread just sets it all off. It will involve appliqué, but that's okay.

And last, but not least there's Stars In Your Eyes. This one reminds me of the Candied Hexagons that I'm working on but it is strip pieced.

I think that it's the colours that I love as much as anything. So much wonderful inspiration from just one book!...M

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