Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Finally, Off My TO DO List - Almost

I'm not sure what it is about me, other than a strong case of procrastination, but my projects can have extremely long gestation periods. Even when it looks like they are headed for the home stretch they can take forever to get there. Such is the case with my Irish Chain. It has been quilted since the end of March but getting that binding on just took forever.

Part of my excuse is that I no longer seem to have a memory. When Betty was pulling fabrics to use in her Fruit Salad this blue fabric was included in the pile, a fact that was immediately forgotten by me. So then when I went looking for it I was at a loss. And it's not like it was a small piece that I was looking for - there are a few metres of this blue left so the bundle is not easy to miss.

In August I finally figured out what I had done with it and then brought it home to work on. Or so I thought. It went into the piling system in my sewing room, seemingly never to be seen again. After a little 'dumpster diving' and a call to Betty to see if I had in fact brought it home with me, I found it, so I decided that I'd better get the binding cut before I lost it again. Sheesh.

Anyway, it's now trimmed, binding sewn and on the quilt and I am really happy with it. I love blue & white and I love two colour quilts.

I was a little leery of using the blue to bind it because I thought that it might be too heavy, but it's narrow enough that it doesn't weigh it down. And it works really nicely with the prints on the back. You can only see one here but the back is pieced in three panels with the middle panel a white with tiny blue & beige dots.

And just when you think that you are finished you take a closer look at the photos and realize that there is a row of quilting missing - do you see it? There should be three horizontal rows in that one block in the left side of the frame. So it's done, but it's not really done. Today, hopefully....M


  1. It's beautiful in it's simplicity and I love the hand quilting, congrats on the finish.

  2. This is a great finsih.
    Liebe Grüße Grit


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