Thursday, July 26, 2012

Star Power

I've had a fondness for star blocks longer than I can remember so when I saw this post on Amitie's blog about the Somaly Mam Foundation and the star blocks needed to create a quilt for auction it just seemed like there was a little something that I could do to help out.

So down I went into my sewing cave and played around for a bit, emerging a few hours later with two blocks to show for my time. Time to get them into the mail - they need to be in Australia by September 8.

A few have already started coming in...

I had intended just to put one together, but then mistakenly cut more pieces than I needed, so I took it as a sign to make two.

They are 9" finished and in pinks, reds and/or oranges with white backgrounds. I found a few leftover blocks from my Irish Chain quilt so I cut those down to size for the white; the whites at the centre of the top block are winter white leftovers from Martha's Star, and then used a collection of mostly reds and oranges for the remaining pieces.

I'm really loving this combination.

The Foundation is a nonprofit organization co-founded by sexual slavery survivor, Somaly Mam. It works to eradicate human trafficking, liberate its victims, and empower survivors so they can create and sustain lives of dignity. It supports survivor rescue, shelter, and rehabilitation programs in Southeast Asia, where the trafficking of women and girls, some as young as five, is widespread. Given the freedom that we enjoy here in Canada I find it incomprehensible that those liberties are not universal.

If you are interested in making one for the cause all of the details and the mailing address are on Amitie's blog.

If not me, who? If not now, when?...M

1 comment:

  1. Marie I just love the color combo, not a combo you can get at Harvey's, hee hee. I love pink, red and orange together. Keep going. Linda


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