Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Room With A View

When I'm sitting at the sewing machine I'm surrounded by lots of bins and fabric and lots of projects that are on my list to finish up, so I thought I'd share a few snippits of the more visible ones that look at me from shelves and are draped over chairs and bins.

This one was started about 4 years ago and will be a lap quilt - it looks sort of funny right now but in time all will be revealed.

Then there's this little one, a pattern that I made up about a year ago just because I was keen to try making the blocks in the outside border. One thing lead to another and before you know it we had a quilt top. Be careful what you ask for... It is in neutral right now because I am debating how to finish it off. I've looked at a few design and colour options for the borders and nothing is clicking yet so I'm hoping that the longer I look at it the more apparent the final answer will be. After working with the muted colours for Martha's Star it will be nice to get into bright, clear colours again.

And this one is actually two - the same pattern just slightly different looks (you are looking at the back side and the black & white stripe is a border yet to be applied). I'll need to photograph it in natural light because the fabrics are not being shown with any justice in this shot. I'm not usually drawn to batiks but when I got into collecting them for these quilts it was hard to stop. The tops have been on the TO DO chair for a while now, waiting for border. I shuffled them around today and realized that I still needed to find a backing for one, and, since the big Fabricland sale is still on, off I went.

These will be the two backings. The one on the left I've had for a while and the red the right I picked up today; two very different options but I think they will be equally effective. I've also got some fabric left over from piecing the tops so I'm toying with inserting a pieced strip in the backing of one, maybe both. The other option is to make a smaller project - possibly placemats - for the gift shop at Madonna House. Time to wash the backs and put these babies to bed (so to speak) but I am so close to finishing Martha's Star that I need to stay focused on that for just a little bit longer. Patience....M

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