Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I hope it is a day of renewal, joy, and time spent with the ones you love. We are enjoying a spectacular sunny day here, and (over)indulging in chocolate, of course! Our bulbs are just starting to pop up so there isn't any colour outside yet but Stephanie dropped this lovely basket off yesterday which brought Spring inside so beautifully. And yes, that is a half-eaten chocolate bunny lurking in the background.

This weekend also marks the beginning of Mike & Lili's new life in Beijing so hopefully they are enjoying fresh Spring blossoms there as well.

I got a lovely treat this morning when Anne surprised me with a dozen more random blocks all stitched up for my Postage Stamp. I've been working on completing the bottom right corner and this will give me a great leg up so I'll need to pin that section together now and get stitching.

Yesterday we took a drive to see if I could find a few more cream tone-on-tone cream fabrics to finish off Martha's Star, which we did, and found a great sale too so I came home with a few lovely treats - my Easter prezzie to myself. Not sure what they will ultimately go into but they do look great together, don't they?

Enjoy your day, and for those of you who have tomorrow off as well, enjoy the extra long weekend...M

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