Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sweet Jelly Beans

My sister Anne has been working on this lovely little quilt lately and I want to share it with you. She first saw the pattern in the window of a shop on Yonge Street in Toronto as she was driving by - not sure which one, possibly Au Lit - so one day she went and sketched out the pattern. The original had been made in India with lovely thin stripes and ginghams but she soon discovered that is was impossible to find fabric like that here. Over time she did find some ginghams but had a really hard time finding them in 100% cotton. Anway, she has been collecting fabrics for close to a decade and a while back I gave her a jellyroll of bright batiks that happened to match the ginghams nicely so around Christmas she had some time on her hands and started cutting.

I had shared with her the technique of sewing quick HSTs (half square triangles) so that she didn't having to deal with the bias seam stretching the squares all wonky - you cut squares and then sew 1/4" on either side of the diagonal line that cuts the block in two...

and soon she was off to the races, trimming corners as she went.

The finished block size is 2.5".

Then it was time to start adding in the white sashing between the blocks.

And here's an idea of what the quilt will look like. She has called it Jelly Beans, which I think is perfect. Isn't it lovely? A beautiful summer quilt. She's continuing to plug away and trying to figure out the final size based on the fabric that she has so I'll give you an update as things progress....M

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