Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beautiful, Bright Batik

We're enjoying the bright, white, sunny aftermath of a winter storm here today so it seems like a good day to show off some colour.

Today's inspiration is from my friend Ann in Ottawa who was busy this fall whipping up a few special Christmas prezzies. We're not quite sure what the name of the pattern is but she originally saw it done up in a quilt shop and figured out the pattern from a photo that she had taken. Her quilting friend Jane says she saw a similar one in Jelly Roll Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintott and they called it Sparkling Gemstones, which seems appropriate, so we'll go with that.

She used a lovely selection of rich and bright batiks framed in a beautiful blue & teal that really seem to reflect the name of the pattern.

And, while it's not reflected in this shot, she ended up quilting it by machine on the diagonal, similar to what I did on Grandma Mary's Five Patch, and she was really pleased with.

Sparkling Gemstones
I think the look on her daughter Jessica's face when it was opened Christmas morning just about says it all!

She was also busy cross stitching stockings for the girls' boyfriends, both of whom are comic book guys, so she was tickled when she found a pattern for a Superhero Alphabet Sampler on Etsy and went to work.
Ian got Iron Man, Aquaman, and Nightcrawler...
And Neal got Nightcrawler, Elektra, Aquaman, and Logan.

I have no photos to prove it but I do understand that there were a few squeals of delight when they were opened as well (if young men squeal with delight!). Thanks for sharing Ann!...M


  1. Good thing the boyfriends have short names!

  2. I love batiks....and those stockings are awesome


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