Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Snowman Door Hanger
It snowed here yesterday, not a lot, just enough to cover the ground in white, and that seemed to be the perfect cue to get this little guy out of storage. Actually, he's not really in storage because I keep him hung on the door to my sewing room, but this time of the year he gets elevated to the main floor. I made several of these a few years ago for the Holly Bazaar and my hubby liked them so much that he bought one before they could leave the house. I recently ran into a gal who bought one at the Bazaar and she said she keeps hers out all year too. He's so cute it's hard to put him away. There's not a ton of quilting on it, but a little bit, so I thought you'd enjoy seeing him. You can get the pattern from Better Homes & Gardens' All People Quilt site.

That prompted me to start thinking about Christmas decos. This year I want to put up a small tree downstairs and opted to get a small artificial one but wanted decos that were fairly simple and a little rustic. Over the years my sister Dori has made these great garlands using paper circles and recently sent me a lovely selection of papers to do just that. Aren't they beautiful? I don't know if you can tell or not but the red has raised dots - it reminds me of Swiss Dot fabric that we used to have in dresses when we were small.

My neice Julia is now home for Christmas break so she came for a visit and helped me get started and made a garland for her brother and his girlfriend. All you do is run the dots through the machine (we used 2.5", 1.5", and .5" dots and 1" squares).

It was a bit tricky with the smallest dots at first but you just position them in front of the feed dog and the machine takes them through. 

Ta da!
Lots of fun! Thanks Dori for the great idea and the lovely treats. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

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