Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

You know the feeling...the one where you're whipping along nicely on finishing up a long-awaited border, you're all smiles and full of self-congratulatory talk, and then, in the glow of the finish you take one last look and realize that you've sewn it on backwards. Drat! Take a look. Can you tell which one is wrong? Unfair question because  you don't know what the next border is. I'm making the final border the pink print so the one on the left is the wrong one - the pink triangles should be on the outside so that they transition into the pink border.

Well, as our Australian friends say, time for a little 'unpicking'. I'll do that and then be back with more details on this quilt but in the meantime I thought I would tease you with a peek at this little number that I've been happily plugging away on. Did someone say more hexagons?

Candied Hexagons
And I'm delighted to report that my Comments box is now working (just click on the comments link in the grey box below), so feel free to share your thoughts - I'd love your feedback and your insights. Unfortunately, I don't think that you can go back and put entries in the posts where the Comment Box was not activated so you'll only be able to hear it from this point onward.

Oh, here's a recap on the Holly Bazaar recipes that I wasn't convinced about in an earlier blog: the butter tart square are delicious but you can easily use only half a batch of dough without losing anything but the banana chocolate crunch cookies are a little on the dry side - it could be the whole wheat flour or maybe I needed a bit more banana. I think I'd give them another try some time.


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful site.

    Love the logo, love the pics and stories, and most of all love that you are inspiring us all!

  2. Love the photos - would really love the butter tart square recipe!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.