Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More Treasure

Yesterday's blog prompted my friend K from Peterborough to send through pics that she has of two antique quilts that she treasures, both beautiful but very different in style and function.

The first is a Depression era crazy patch made of woolens/suiting and is a study in functionality. It is sewn on a vertical grid and the occasional bursts of colour and lighter fabric suggest the frugality of its maker, incorporating whatever was at hand. It had the potential to be very dark but the soft grid of red yarn ties and delicate crosshatched embroidery soften it nicely.

If you look closely tiny, quirky vignettes are revealed. This looks like a 'patch on a patch' but instead of attempting to blend the patch into the overall piece it's highlighted by being applied in an obvious yarn and stitch...

and here too...

In keeping with it's practical side it is stuffed with a wool blanket - like a ration or army blanket - and the backing is quite coarse and functional, likely to support the weight and texture of the top.

Her second treasure is much softer, more delicate and was probably considered a dressier quilt. It's called Around the World and was likely made in the 50s. The palette is light and airy and it was made with specific fabrics in mind rather than incorporating remnants.

Take a look at the light fabrics used on the centre square and three most central rounds. Doesn't it look like they are different versions of the same print?

Thanks for sharing K. Lucky girl!


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